Dear competitors,
We remind you that according to the provisions of art. IV para. 12 of the A.Ch.R. Regulation for canine competitions, it is NOT allowed to register, to enter the competition space and to participate in canine competitions of dogs with tails and / or ears cut for purposes other than curative ones.
The proof of cutting the tail and / or the ears for curative purposes is the mention / mentions in this sense, the signature and stamp of the veterinarian who performed the cutting operation registered in the dog's book of health or in the dog's passport.
Please make sure that you have the book of health or the passports of the dogs in this situation with you, so that you can be allowed access and participation in canine competitions!
Regards, A.Ch.Sibiu
Dear Exhibitors ,
We have the pleasure to invite you to participate at all the events "Sibiu Dog Show".
Sibiu is a medieval town situated in the middle of Transylvania - Romania,who was the European Cultural Capital in 2007 being a very interesting touristic objective. This will be a perfect opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of the Romanian people, to know more about Transylvanian history, culture and traditions (
Romanian Kennel Club has agreements with kennels affiliated at the FCI for getting the Romanian Champion Title. For more information please contact the organizers.
Ludosan Adrian,
President of Sibiu Kennel Club
Sibiu Kennel Club (AChS) is an non-profit and non-guvernamental organization founded at 26th January 1976, affiliate to Romanian Kennel Club (AchR).
The pourpose of the association is to encourege breeding, amelioration and the use of dogs of all breeds recognize by Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI).
Our organization includes approximately 150 full members and sympatizants, breeders and owners Contrary to a widespread idea, the AChS is not an organization for public interest or an gouvernamental agency and do not promote the respect of the rights or decent life of community dogs and don´t have any atributes in this field.
Organizational chart
General Assembly The supreme body of the AChS is the General Assembly (AG), formed by all full members (75).
Board of Directors Formed by 7 full members and 3 supleants members, elected from the membership, the Board of Directors (CD) ensure the full application of the law and of the decisions of the AG.
The Auditors Comitee Ensure the internal financial control, beeing formed by 3 members.
The Press Officer Is the official spokesman of the AChS.
Registration in Romanian Origin Registry AChS registers in Romanian Origin Registry (COR) the purebred dogs owned by his members. Till now, AChS registred in COR over 1.000 purebred dogs.
Shows & Trials AChS conducts national and international shows as well as working trials. AChS maintains records of awards championship titles and sent these results to AChR office where they are input into the official evidence, in order to be confirmed by FCI.
Dogs awarded at international shows and trials organized by AChS its can receive, respecting the FCI regulations the title of International Beauty or Working Champion. These titles are confirmed by the FCI.
The AChS Code of Ethics
In order to achive the objectivs of AChS, its members agree to adhere to the following principles:
• respect of AG and CD rules and regulations made in curent activities;
• ensure the proper housing, food and helth care to their dogs;
• continue to promote the image of the dog as “the man´s best friend” as well as his utilitiy role in the society;
• to preserve and enhance each breed´s caracteristics, all members as breeders of purebred dogs will folow to scienceficly fix the morfologycal and phenotypical caracteristics;
• participate to shows and trials with a spirit of honesty and moral integrity.